Cost calculator for electric vs petrol, diesel or plugin

If you replace kilometers with miles and euro with your own currency (dollar, pound, etc) the comparison is just as valid. For a Volkswagen e-Golf, Golf 1.2 TSI or Golf GTE the consumption values from are 16kWh/100km, 5,3l/100km and 3,5l/100km+12kWh/100km
Kilometers per yearkilometers
Number of yearsyears
Electricity rateeuro /kWh
Electricity consumptionkWh /100km
Insurance Electric careuro /mmonth
Road side Assistanceeuro /year
Battery leaseeuro /month
Purchase Price Electric careuro
Quarterly Road tax Electriceuro /3 months
Depreciation Electric car% percent
Maintenance Electric careuro /year
Fuel priceeuro /liter
Fuel Consumptionliter /100km
Insurance Fossil careuro /month
Road side assistanceeuro /year
Car Leaseeuro /month
Purchase Fossil careuro
Quarterly Road tax Fossil careuro /3 months
Depreciation Fossil car% percent
Maintenance Fossil euro /year
Plugin Hybrid
Percent Electric drive% percent
Fuel priceeuro /liter
Fuel Consumptionliter /100km
Electricity rateeuro /kWh
Electricity ConsumptionkWh /100km
Insurance Plugin careuro /month
Road side assistance Plugin careuro /year
Car Leaseeuro /month
Purchase Price Plugin careuro
Road tax Plugin careuro
Depreciation Plugin car% percent
Maintenance Plugin careuro /year
Variable costs
Energy costs Electric990euro
Insurance Electric348euro
Battery Lease Electric0euro
Road Tax Electric0euro
Total1718euro (143 per month)
Total after 4 years6872euro
Energy costs Fossil1643euro
Insurance Fossil276euro
Car lease0euro
Road tax Fossil380euro
Total2879euro (240 per month)
Total after 4 years11516euro
Energy costs Electric240euro
Energy costs Fossil542.5euro
Insurance Plugin276euro
Car lease0euro
Road tax Plugin444euro
Total2082.5euro (174 per month)
Total after 4 years8330euro
Depreciation year 18800euro (733 per month)
Depreciation year 26864euro (572 per month)
Depreciation year 35354euro (446 per month)
Depreciation year 44176euro (348 per month)
Residual after 4 years14806euro
Depreciation year 14200euro (350 per month)
Depreciation year 23360euro (280 per month)
Depreciation year 32688euro (224 per month)
Depreciation year 42150euro (179 per month)
Residual after 4 years8602euro
Depreciation year 19000euro (750 per month)
Depreciation year 26750euro (563 per month)
Depreciation year 35063euro (422 per month)
Depreciation year 43797euro (316 per month)
Residual after 4 years11390euro
Total year 110518euro (877 per month)
Total year 28582euro (715 per month)
Total year 37072euro (589 per month)
Total year 45894euro (491 per month)
TCO after 4 years32066euro
Total year 17079euro (590 per month)
Total year 26239euro (520 per month)
Total year 35567euro (464 per month)
Total year 45029euro (419 per month)
TCO after 4 years23914euro
Total year 111082.5euro (924 per month)
Total year 28832.5euro (736 per month)
Total year 37145.5euro (595 per month)
Total year 45879.5euro (490 per month)
TCO after 4 years32940euro